Tower of Power
Crude oil taken from the ground has limited use in its purest form. First, it is treated in a large chemical plant called a refinery. There, the crude oil is heated until it boils. The vapors rise through towers where it cools and condenses at different temperatures. The substances removed at these various temperatures creates the broad categories of by-products from which usable goods are manufactured. The vapor left at the top of the tower becomes bottled gas (propane). The sludge left at the bottom of the tower is used for products like asphalt and roofing materials.
This video shows the refining process.
The most used by-product of crude oil is gasoline. Many other important products are made from the substance taken from crude oil. They include plastics, paints, make-up and medicines.
Today, about 6,000 products are produced, wholly or in part, from petroleum. Among the major categories derived from petroleum are petroleum gas, gasoline, kerosene, lubricants, fuel oil and bitumen.
Watch this video to see just a few of the products that are derived from petroleum.
In this lesson, students will use a model to demonstrate the separation process used in refining, learn to identify products that come from petroleum, and have an opportunity to discuss conservation.